Opening renewed Portrait Gallery and DocuScience screening ‘Picture a Scientist’ (2020)
This special DocuScience evening starts with the launch of the renewed portrait gallery at Omnia by the new rector magnificus.
Immediately after, the documentary "Picture a Scientist" will be screened, featuring three women scientists sharing their experiences with inequalities and barriers in their careers.
The portrait gallery in Omnia has been renovated and expanded with video artwork by Giacomo Sardonini to depict the daily diversity of Wageningen University & Research. From green management to the lab, from the lecture hall to the office, three video series portray a diverse array of persons at our campus (and even some satellite locations). On March 26, new rector magnificus, Prof. Dr. Carolien Kroeze, will open the portrait gallery prior to DocuScience.
Those who wish to attend the opening are welcome from 18:30; the opening ceremony will begin at 18:45.

Afterwards, DocuScience will screen "Picture a Scientist" (2020), a documentary about gender bias and inequality in science. The film features the stories of three American women scientists of diverse backgrounds and their efforts to tackle the barriers they encountered. It highlights the assumptions and prejudices that shape our perception of 'the scientist' and how this image perpetuates structural inequality. Afterwards, there will be opportunity for dialogue facilitated by Wageningen Dialogues.
With the opening at 18:45; entry starts at 18:30. The documentary will begin at 19:00 Registration is not required. Just be sure to arrive on time as seats are limited. After the program, you are welcome to continue the discussion in the foyer.
Want to grab a bite at Novum restaurant beforehand?
Especially for DocuScience, Novum restaurant in Omnia offers a DocuDinner starting at 17:30. For 17.50 euros, you'll be served a delicious vegetarian main course with fries and salad. Reservation is required and can be made via email. Dinner guests will have a reserved seat for the documentary.
About DocuScience
DocuScience is a program in Omnia, where employees of Wageningen Campus share insights into the inspiring work happening at Campus. We will explore new perspectives through provocative documentaries that encourage conversation. Everyone working at Wageningen Campus is welcome,
so bring your colleagues!