Wageningen Dialogue
CineScience: Starship Troopers
Sci-fi movies take us to the outer reaches of imagination. "Starship Troopers" is no exception with its epic battles against interstellar arachnids. Hold on to your helmets, because PhD candidate Saminathan Sivaprakasham Murugesan will take you on a journey to unravel the mysteries of genetics. His scientific work is all about wasps with extra chromosomes – but what does that mean? Ever wondered what goes on within these organisms at a microscopic level? And what happens on a genetic level when they try to adapt to changing weather conditions? Could that result in wasps growing to the size of a car – like we see in the movie? Discover more about evolution at the cellular level at this scientific exploration before we dive into the bug-squashing action of "Starship Troopers".
Let’s enjoy this scientific exploration, where genetic survival is explained in laymen’s language, before watching Starship Troopers in Heerenstraat Theater. The introduction is in English, the movie is English spoken en subtitled in Dutch.
Wageningen University & Research considers its connection with the city of Wageningen and its residents extremely important. With CineScience movie talks, researchers give you a sneak peek into their work in a unique and accessible way by linking their work creatively to a personally selected movie.
Learn more about novel scientific insights, discover how our everyday lives relate to the work being done in Wageningen, and enjoy a fabulous movie that sparks conversations. The break offers ample opportunity to talk, a free drink is included.
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